The Centre for Educational Improvement and Quality Assurance (CEIQA) was established in 2004 with a particular focus on academic quality and the efficiency of other service deliveries in order to meet the vision and mission of SMU. 

CEIQA is a center entrusted with the responsibility of coordinating and overseeing the implementation of university-wide Quality Enhancement (QE) programs and activities based on university level policies and guidelines. 

The Center is chaired by a director and reports to the President’s Office. It executes its duties through its two units: Quality Assurance Unit (QAU), and Academic Development and Resource Unit (ADRU).  

Ever since its establishment, the Center has done a lot to ensure the University’s aspiration of attaining the highest academic excellence and quality in all services rendered by it. The University and its Quality Assurance Center are well aware of the national quality direction put forth by the Ministry of Education and the Education and Training Agency (ETA).  SMU is a member of institutions like International Net Work for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), and African Quality Assurance Network (AfriQAN). CEIQA has laid down the following vision and mission: 


The vision of CEIQA is to assist SMU to become quality-assured university that would contribute to the nation’s competitive advantage through the creation and dissemination of knowledge. 


The Mission of CEIQA is to carry out quality assurance services to the University and other stakeholders as may be needed.  

Major duties 

CEIQA is empowered to follow up and monitor the quality of academic, research and community services that SMU seeks to attain. Pursuant to SMU’s ultimate goal, CEIQA handles, among others, the following tasks under its two units.   

The Quality Assurance Unit is entrusted with the task of:  

  • participating in the framing of strategic plan of the University;
  • overseeing the formulation of action plans and their implementation;  
  • participating in reviewing annual plans prepared by units of SMU;
  • conducting quarterly monitoring and evaluation on the implementation of planned activities of the University’s operational units;
  • providing evaluation reports based on monitoring; 
  • providing training on quality assurance and enhancement practices to the University staff and other similar institutions; 
  • establishing quality enhancement committees and follow-up their activities; 
  • coordinating institutional and program self-assessment; 
  • publishing a quarterly newsletter, “Quality Matters”, which focuses on educational quality; 
  • undertaking comprehensive evaluations, such as biannual students’ evaluations of instructors, and departments’ evaluation of staff;  
  • conducting research pertinent to educational quality;  
  • assessing the quality of research, community and professional services at the University level; 
  • preparing frameworks and following consultancy bids to provide external training; and 
  • Conducting consultative meeting with Quality Enhancement Committees.

The Academic Development and Resource Unit is responsible for: 

  • ensuring internet services and other resources available for the University community; 
  • providing spot reading services for staff members of the University; 
  • organizing and conducting pedagogical training for members of the faculties; and  
  • Expediting academic consultation and collaboration with individual academic staff as well as teaching teams in aspects of teaching and learning as may be identified by the staff. 

 Center for Educational Improvement and Quality Assurance (CEIQA) 

  Address:  Undergraduate Campus 

  Tel: +251 11 553 7999 

      +251 11 553 8020 (Ext. 120) 


   P.O. Box 1211/18490                

   Addis Ababa
